Hi, I’m Rebecca!

Hello! My name is Rebecca Kempe and I’m a multidisciplinary artist based in Ottawa, Ontario. My work ranges from photography, to design, to writing. My plays Each on Our Side and Signal Breakdown were performed in the 2019 and 2021 editions of the Youth Infringement Festival, respectively, and I have also self-published a chapbook and a few zines. However, I’m constantly looking for ways to integrate multiple art forms into one project, and would love to integrate technology into my art as well.

 I’m curious, ambitious, and constantly driven to try new things. I’m always up for a new design challenge and in my free time, you can find me reading, writing, or working on a variety of personal projects, some of which are featured here. I love work that is bright, bold, high concept, and curious, and I try to emulate those qualities in my projects.

If you’d like to work together, contact me here! I would love to collaborate with you.