Personal Project | June 2018 – Dec 2018

I became interested in type design through an interest in pens, which morphed into an interest in calligraphy. Calligraphy introduced me to fonts, which introduced me to typography, which in turn introduced me to type design. I became obsessed with the history of type, with type classifications, and with the methodology of type design. At the peak of my obsession, I decided to plunge in headfirst and make a typeface of my own.

This project was labour intensive, and required several months of research before I ever designed a glyph. Through this project, I learned what it means to design. To design is to research and understand what has come before you. To design is to problem solve. To design is to iterate. I went through many studies and conceptual sketches before settling on the concept that would become Aruna. After settling on this sketch, I began fleshing out the letterforms and taught myself how to use FontForge, an open-source type design software.

Initial Sketch.

Initial Sketch.

The Aruna Alphabet.

The Aruna Alphabet.


Sleep/Work Desk Station


Observations Zine